And peanut cookies! And Snicker bars! And all Schokolade (chocolate)! And these waffer things with hazelnut creme! And Apfelschorle! But not Obstwasser. That definitely does not taste very good.
Yesterday at the grocery store, I decided that I was going to need something besides the usual sandwich. So I picked up potato salad. It has probably been the best thing I've done all week (so far), minus talking to Kyle and the parental units. For serious. Potato salad rocks. As does so much of the food here.
My German buddy has invited Matt and I to a party of sorts (where much grilling will commence) on Freitag (Friday). Since Matt has a crush on my German buddy, he, perhaps, jumped at this chance more so than I, however, it would be good for me to get out with real Germans, not the American students, and so I jumped as well. I would also like to get to know my tutor better, as she seems very nice, and the only time I really got to talk to her was the day I arrived, not feeling well, and all around not very sociable.
Another thing of importance: on Tuesday nights, CSI: Miami, House, and Monk are on the TV. Which I, of course, have to see. But why watch American shows in Germany? Because they're not in English! And they're also very comical, to say the least. First, in watching the mouths, as the lips do not match the words, and second to listen to the German voice-overs of characters I'm familiar with. And also: the company. There is always an interesting person to meet here in Eichstaett.
Now if only I could get my butt in gear and speak flawless German.
Or something.
Ciao for now,
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